Monday, January 27, 2014


I discontinued voice-over training and coaching, and for years still received inquiries about how to start a voice-over career (which simply has no concise response.)  While no longer teaching, I have decided to post increments from my Basics Training Event Workbook here, with a link to an audio track narrated by me.  It's my hope to help those interested in learning more about voice-over and what's involved in starting a career.

The fourth in the series of voice-over basics is an introduction to Professional Protocol, which I have broken down into four points and will addressed over the next 3 blogs.
TCVO Presents…


© Teri Clark Linden, 2014


Teri’s Golden Rules
Session Etiquette
Professional Apology


In my opinion, there are two ways to define a professional performer: whether or not they belong to a professional performer’s union or by their attitude.  You can be a professional actor, member of the acting unions and still display amateurish behavior behind the microphone and to those around you.  On the reverse, you might not yet have your union cards but act completely professionally, treating those around you with respect and courtesy.

You can also choose to have a positive attitude regarding auditions and bookings, by not getting discouraged with jobs you don’t get and appreciating (rather than feeling it’s deserved) the ones you do.  Treat every voice-over audition or job you get as an invitation to a party.  Be thankful for the opportunity.  When around others, keep in mind they all desire the same end result, and that is to get the job done well, whether recording an audition or project.  Your positive attitude goes a long way in this business and will get you known and remembered as someone easy to work with.  No one likes an egomaniac.  No one likes being around negative people, or being criticized, especially in front of others.  
© Teri Clark Linden, 2014

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